Are you ready to peek behind the curtains of the wizards of 3rd party debt?


Did you know that all claims by 3rd party debt collectors are false?

Could you imagine what it would be like to become immune to the attacks, victimization & false claims of debt collectors?    

Imagine missing the loving attention (or is it stalking?) of debt collectors without having to deal with debt settlements, debt counseling or bankruptcy.  

What if you had love letters of your own, powerful enough to instill fear in your debt collecting stalker?  

What if a little bit of previously unrevealed knowledge to raise your awareness, was all that you needed and your nightmare would be gone for good?

What if you had ways to  force the debt collector to remove negative marks from your credit report?

Do you have the time to gain such a position in your life?

We have created a very low-cost, extremely high-value, 3rd-party debt-relief system.  Our Collection Shield process will help you get rid of 3rd-party debt collectors who are coming after you trying to collect on credit cards, medical bills, private student loans, personal consumer loans & any other unsecured debt.

Our Collection Shield process will see to it that collectors will no longer want to pursue and harass you, or have anything to do with the likes of you, once they realize you no longer fear them and that you possess the means to hit them where it hurts.  

Would you like to gain the type of confidence that dares debt collectors to intrude in your life?   

 What is it going to take?

All you need is 2 things: the most important is to raise your awareness so that you will know what is happening in reality, and then top it off with powerful action using - The Collection Shield (this shield allows you defense & offense if necessary).  

The Collection Shield is a simple and extremely effective process/paperwork designed with language the collectors can understand & would fear you possessing. 

Before you pay us to take action you may want to get to know your opponent.  Make no mistake, debt collectors are your adversary and they were winning every time because until now you didn't know what the rules are.

Many people have told me that they find it easier to understand the rules if they think about the debt collection process as though it is a game.  Lets take a look at what the game is, what the rules are and who your opponent is.

What the game is:
In every aspect of life we are experiencing some form of polarity:  Good vs Evil, negative vs positive, cat vs mouse, team A vs team B, victim vs victimizer etc...  I can go on and on but you get the picture.  

The game we play is "Debt Collection" with the players being Cons vs Pawns.  The Collection agencies are the cons and their job is to con you into believing that there is still a debt with your name on it and that you must pay it or else.  You, the uninformed, are the Pawn.  As the pawn you know that there was a debt, that for whatever reason you were no longer able to pay, and that is what initiated the game.

We are here to help the pawns win the game!

What the rules are: 

This game is played in the world of commerce.

In the world of commerce the rules are different than the rules of the physical world.  Once you reach the legal age of 18 & you begin to conduct business with banks and other institutions you have officially entered the game.  

The truth is that Pawns don't know that there is a difference between these two worlds and have started playing the game blindly, without knowing the rules and without actually becoming Players.  The public school system (aka the public fool system), does not teach us how to be real Players and instead creates a bunch of Pawns. 

When the Pawns reach legal age they are endowed with the unlimited ability to contract.   Unfortunately the Pawns do not get enough education to understand that they are signing contracts right and left, the experience to know when they are being fooled or the wisdom to avoid costly mistakes. The debt collectors know this and take full advantage.

The contracts that you sign (or agree to) in combination with the laws of your state, govern the relationship between you and your creditor.  When you default on a contract  the injured party (first party creditor) has legal recourse to be made whole again.

When it comes to debt collectors - 1st party debt collectors have a contract with you, but 3rd party debt collectors have a problem: they don't have a contract with you.  Because 3rd party debt collectors do not have a contract with you their job is to trick you into one.  Is that legal?   Yes, because in commerce when it comes to claims, anyone can make a claim against anyone or anything (mostly corporations vs people).

The first step they take in the game is to send you, the Pawn, an introduction with a claim:  it could be a phone call or a bill or sometimes referred to as a 'presentment'.   
As the pawn your next actions will determine what your chances are to win the game against the Cons.  The game now becomes like a tennis match.  They served you first with the introduction attached with a claim of money due.  Now it is your turn to hit the claim back into their side of the court.  But how are you going to do that?  

In the rules of the world of commerce, the government (referee) gives you the right to challenge the claim via FDCPA [Fair Debt Collection Protection Act].  The problem is that many Pawns either don't know about FDCPA or are ill equipped to use it to their advantage.  Furthermore we have found that for the layman FDCPA is not enough to deter all debt collectors.  

In the rules of commerce when you get the first serve you must return it within the 30 days the government allows you to challenge the 3rd party debt collector's claim.  If you do not challenge the claim you have agreed to their claim by tacit agreement (silence is agreement).   

Who your opponent is: 

Your opponent may be an experienced and aggressive debt collector.  In many cases the debt collector purchases your debt from the first party.  In order to understand how a debt collector operates then think about this: What happens when you buy or purchase something?  Is it considered yours afterwards?  

If you answered yes, then you can answer the next question:  If an "alleged debt" is purchased by a debt collector of any sort from a creditor, who now owns the debt?  Think about that.  If a debt collector bought a debt from a creditor for 5% of what the debt is worth, then sold it to you for $25% of the value, did he make a profit? 
How you can win the game:  (We provide the entire service, the DIY version is not available yet)

Here is the list of the moves in the game.  We will make your moves on your behalf.

First move:  A 3rd-party debt collector calls and then sends you a letter claiming that you owe a debt that they are attempting to collect.

Second move:  Now it's your turn to make a move.  You have 30 days from the date of their letter to send a response.  The response letter is part of the Collection Shield and all you need to do is fill in the blanks.

Third move:  Another move by the debt collector.  The debt collector has two options:  
The first option is to back off. 
The second option is to test you with another response.  The response might include copies of promissory note, statements showing you making payments, letter showing they bought the debt from original creditor or other similar documents.

Forth move:  Is your move again and now you have 2 options:
The first option, if there was no response from the debt collector (this means he backed off) then check your credit reports to make sure the debt collector removed any negative marks.  If there are negative marks do the next move.  
The second option, if the debt collector sent you a response then you will respond back with the 2nd phase of process which should be the end of the game for them. In our experience they never send a third letter.

Fifth move:  If there are negative marks on the credit report you will send the collector a notice of intent to sue.  This letter is also included as part of the collection shield.  The purpose of the letter is to force them to remove the negative marks from your credit report.

This ends the game and YOU WIN THIS ROUND!!  In the unlikely event that a new3rd-party debt collector contacts your for the same debt you can simply repeat the process.

Other possible moves:  The 3rd party debt collector may send the debt back to the original party.  The original party has the option to forgive the debt and report to the IRS as though it was income for you (Unfair isn't it)?  In which case you will receive in the mail a 1099c (forgiveness of debt) from the original creditor.  The IRS views this as income and will expect you to pay taxes on it.  Part of the collection shield process includes a form that you can send to the IRS that may convince the IRS to not include this as income.

From reading the steps above it should be clear to you that you must be prepared to respond after they make their first move and that's half the battle!!!  If your response is strong enough most debt collectors, if smart enough, will go away as they realize they are not fooling with a Pawn.  

Remember:  Whoever fails to return the serve (properly) loses.

If they have not responded after the first Collection Shield forms & there is no negative mark from them on your credit reports (this does not include marks from the 1st party creditor) then in our experience they have definitely waived the white flag & moved on to weaker opponents.  Weaker opponents are those who do not possess the collection shield or any other protection for that matter.  You have won the match.  

Sometimes a foolish or aggressive Con will want to see what you are really working with (your awareness and practical knowledge).  They will serve a response back to you and we will serve a response back to them. 

If there is a mark on your credit after you gave your 3rd-party creditors the appropriate amount of time to remove any negatives (this is included in the first letter) then it's time for you to get paid if you wish.  You will have to file a small claims (or higher court) suit & they will, in theory, contact you to settle the suit as they know they will not win (It is usually better to settle than to take them to court - We don't want to be greedy do we?).  

The reason why we say in "theory" is because out of 60+ challenges to many debt collectors we have not been given the opportunity to take a collector to court but it doesn't mean that one may not slip up and give us the opportunity.  

Remember:  We are playing against an experienced, aggressive, intelligent and clever opponent who may come up with new moves and it is even possible that the rules might change.   

How easy to do is this process? 

Extremely easy, we do all the work for you.
Depending on how aggressive the collector may be, the process may take about 45 days before the collector realizes that you are no longer a Pawn and not to be toyed with.  

Now, if you are a business, those collectors have a few more options to work with because the rules are different since the FDCPA doesn't apply to businesses.  Nonetheless the process we have used in the Collection Shield can beats them as well.  You just have to get past the smoke & mirrors they use.  They will puff up like a scared animal hoping that it will scare you as well.   

Remember:  He who leaves the battlefield first - loses.

Why are we so sure that we will be successful?  
Why do we think we are better than others? 
Because we know more, we have more complete information, we have done more research, we have tried it for ourselves and it worked, we have done it for other successfully, and because we are willing to share it with you. We know that there are aspects of debt that are not usually shared with the public. They are not shared so you will not know, and for the benefit of keeping the illusion of debt alive & to maintain the faux reality of the commercial world.

As some of you may have experienced in the past trying to use “debt validation letters" (which you may easily find on the internet or purchase from some half ass program offerings) they don't always work.  Guess what: the word “validation” is something the debt collection industry can live with, because all it does is make them take the next steps in their process, and eventually file suit for judgment against you. Debt validation does nothing more than tickle a debt collector.  

Are you missing the attention of your suitors?

No more hiding, no more running & no more settling!  Become your own Collection Shield today & achieve a peaceful state of mind.  You will not believe how much you’re going miss them stalking you!  You will thank yourself for taking the minimal risk of enriching your mind & thoughts with what the Collection Shield brings to you & yours.  

I won’t say good luck because none is required, but I will say thanks for giving yourself a fighting chance to bring a little peace to at least one aspect of your life. 

For those folks who think they are unable to afford or are not ready for the Collection Shield,  Good Luck! 

Please do not confuse the original creditor collection activity (1st party creditor) with 3rd party debt collector lawyers/agents, they are not the same entities.

Please realize that COLLECTION SHIELD does not offer legal advice, but offers a lawful & legal solution based on applied years of experience & legal research.  Enjoy the freedom!!!

NOTICE: Information served herein is for educational purposes only, no liability assumed for use. The information you obtain in this presentation is not, nor is it intended to be legal advice. Author does not consent to unlawful action. Author advocates and encourages one and all to adhere to, support and defend all law which is particularly applicable. If anything in this presentation is found to be in error a good faith effort will be made to correct it in timely fashion upon notification.  VOID where prohibited by law.

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